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White-Winged Grosbeak

White-Winged Grosbeak
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Fringillidae
Genus: Mycerobas
Species: carnipes
Scientific Name: Mycerobas carnipes
The picture was taken in Chajeyna, which is about 3 days walk from the nearest road point at an elevation of 4650 M. This bird was trying to defend its territory while Mr. Rinchen SIngye (Sr. Forester) and I was undertaking the survey to estimate the biomass of the Rhododendron in that area. We believed that, there might be nest somewhere in and around but it was difficult for us to spot the nest.
This picture was taken by Canon PowerShot S5 IS. This is not the best picture of the bird but I think iam satisfied with the camera.

1.       Bird Life International , White-winged Grosbeak  Mycerobas carnipes , Accessed 14th September, 2010.


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