This is the time when majority of the Bhutanese are glued to
their television and radio services of Bhutan Broadcasting Services trying to
listen to what their National Council candidate (s) has to say. Many feel that
listening to their debate will ease them to franchise their precious vote to
deserving candidates and candidate whom they feel would benefit their community
and country as a whole.
Many Bhutanese seems to not understand the clear boundary
that National Council members and Member of Parliament shares. And many of our
interested candidates contesting for National Council seat always seems to
stress on making new laws and refining the existing laws. I am not sure if these
are all they do.
After the coming of democracy in our country, I am starting
to realize the intelligence of Bhutanese in making various laws. We made
countless number of laws. Some seems good but some does not seem to make
slightest of sense to general public. I know that civil servants working in
various ministries are drafting majority of the laws and their laws are
generally guided by how they see the situation. The duty falls on the NC
members to look at the draft through the eyes of general public and make in
friendly to them not compromising the security of the country.
I am made to write this because of the following:
- Murdering a person is lesser degree of crime to chorten
- Raping is lesser degree of crime to carrying Nu.
150.00 worth of tobacco without tax payment proof
- Waste management act has been implemented with
great pomp and show but only for a month and forgotten after that. Look at our
own Thimphu city. There are many areas with lots of trash. If you don’t believe
me, walk through sub-ways built near swimming pool complex area and one near
BCCI office.
Going by my statement, I would
like to make a point that, while laws are needed for good, but if we don't implement what has been made, it is better than not having it. As said by Aurn
Shouri “Do not be seduced by new law. Enforce the existing laws”.
My plea to the up-coming National
Council members is following:
1 Strategize ways to ensure better implementation
of laws
2 Re-visit degree of crimes (whichever law it
belongs to) and some laws needs to be revised
3 Work on only those laws that make sense and
remove those, which are never followed. For instance,
waste management laws
will not work in Bhutan, before making it known to public. I know National
Environment Commission undertook some awareness campaign, but it didn’t reach
the ears of those
who need to understand.
4 Make a point to make all laws known to public so
that there won't be any problem during
5 Please do not propose making new set of laws.
Having stated, I would like to wish all interested candidates
a very best of luck for the election. I hope and wish that only deserving
candidates win a ticket to become Honourable National Council members.
I hope things might be fine with you this days.
Take care and have fun.
I like your Duabanga photo.