Single limbs bow. Photo source |
I am slowly beginning to realize the complex nature of human being.
I love playing archery (both with compound bow and traditional bow) and have been into the game since 1998. Way back in 1998, my dad bought himself as “single limb” Bear compound bow for just Nu. 7000.00. Since it was the first compound bow in Panbang (Lower Kheng under Zhemgang District) it was pride to own one and shoot. Gradually everyone started buying (all were single limb) and the game was gaining its popularity in the area. I was than in class X.
In 1999, I went to Sherubtse College (last batch of PU student). When I returned home for my winter holidays, I was taken aback to find another bow (single limb), but had a price tag of Nu. 17,000.00. My dad up-graded his bow and in following year he bought another bow, but this time it was double limbs bow, where he paid Nu.22,000.
Double limbs bow. Photo source |
After I graduated in 2006, realizing his (my dad) fading strength and my craze in the game, he handed over his latest bow which I gladly accepted. I have been with the bow for quite a long time now and have played and won good number of tournament. It was in 2008, I had an opportunity to play as a team with Hon’ble Minister (MoAF), where my old faithful bow was down looked upon by couple of people (though it was part of pulling my legs down to prevent hitting the target). I did not take the incidence too serious because of which I am still hanging on the bow.
Recently, I finally decided to change my bow. The drastic change in mind-set came when my friends teased me as “tight fisted” and not willing to get a better bow. Now, here I am hunting for better bows and I came to know that bow with a price tag of US $ 600.00 seems below standard for me now????? What is going on???. This does not necessarily imply that, I earn so much that US $ 600.00 is nothing for me, but because even the remotest people in Bhutan have better bows than what I get for $ 600.00 here in the US.
Hoyt Carbon Matrix. Photo Source |
Gradually, I started eyeing for latest Hoyt bow (Carbon Matrix), which carries price tag of US $ 1600.00. One part of my mind says, grab it, so that people do not bother you, BUT, the flip side of it, what is the use of paying too much for a bow when there are so many productive things I could undertake with this amount of money. Where am I leaning? Why double faced when I am crazy with the sport? Should I spend so much money, just to escape from my teasing friends? When I was happy with a bow just costing Nu. 7000.00 in 1998 why not now? Is the time changing? Or is it the standard that is changing? Or am I egoistic? Why should people go for better bows, when they can play well with old bows? Does bow matters too much?
Yeah! we lose so many talents because of the typical character that Bhutanese posses. It is sad that such things are happening in Bhutanese's mind.
Such an attitude that we posses pulls down people with talents (as pointed by you) who can't effort fancy items.