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Advice from a seasoned friend to accelerate success in job

I completed my M.S defense today, or I would rather say, i completed my master in resource conservation majoring in Non-timber forest produce. As I stepped out of the room after one hour of public presentation and one hour of toughest questions I have ever faced, and after hearing "congratulation" from the same professors who grilled me an hour ago, I started to reflect my initial days of service as a forester.

Topic of my research
It was 9.30 AM, January 15, 2007. It was auspicious day according to ZAKAR, and that is when I first entered the line of government service. I met one of my senior friends by the entrance of the office with many new pair of eyes sticked on me with curiosity ("Is he khengpa, sharchop, ngalong or lhosam). It was usual day for them but not for me. I was excited as well as nervous with very little or no knowledge on how the office functions and what would be my TOR (Terms of Reference).
As expected, it took me awhile to adjust to the new environment and know new people. Being brought up as eldest in the family, I have always taught myself to be outspoken and straight forward. I have always disliked people with crooked mind [Chamchas (sycophant) I am not sure if it defines chamcha well)] and has refrained myself from being one. I have the courage to contradict my boss if he is wrong and to support him if he is right, be it in my own ways of reasoning. When I say Chamchas, I have no problem with those who does for their own benefits but I get mad when people act Chamchas to pull some body’s leg in-order to please the boss and rise himself. I believe in establishing myself known, rather than going with each and every boss and laughing with them without understanding the reason just to please the boss. I feel that, people possessing such character are no different from any stray dogs who bark when some dogs bark without understanding the reasons to bark. Chamchas has long survived in Bhutan and no country is different in this field, be it under-developed, developing or developed countries.
The character of human is infused with “bad” jealousy, egoism, and many more unwanted characters. Thus, people with self-centered characters always seem to survive and rise and those people who work hard and do not disturb others are no different from the day they joined their office. Such an example disposes people in “un-ethical” means of justifying public’s tax that comes as their salary.
May be I am young in this department, thus I hate to please boss by hanging around with him and doing his personal works and agreeing always with him. I also believe in the importance to keep your boss happy, but by proving myself and not by licking his shoes. May be I will also blend with mass when I get seasoned, BUT, of now I have no intention of hanging around and agreeing my boss even if he is wrong. My friend who follows the philosophy of “Boss is always right” is not chamcha as far as I know him. But, I think his philosophy helped him. His philosophy is rule number 1 and 2:


I laughed and made fun of his rule number 1 and 2 when he first told me. But with time, I sometimes wonder, maybe he is right; maybe it works always, maybe that is what I should adapt. Then I realize and talk to myself," I am here to do science and not pursue administration and I need to do good science". I don’t need to do all these; I don’t need to bow my head to please others. I would rather be just, have my own philosophy, support right people and provide suggestions to wrong people to improve. I don’t need to please my boss to conduct scientific research and get it published. But, I will always respect my boss and the experience that the bosses would possess. 

Boss may-not be right if they talk sense-less but most of the time they seems to be right (Oops!!!! May be I am starting to follow rule number 1 and 2). I read somewhere that “Chamchas consistently shift loyalties, which makes them un-reliable”. And this is true to fullest extent possible.



Congratulations on defending your thesis! And thinks so much for your nice comments about my book. I will enjoy reading you now.
Congratulations on defending your thesis! And thinks so much for your nice comments about my book. I will enjoy reading you now.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with you sir...i have been in civil service for just 4 months now and yea your rule no. 1 is right!!! I am still under observation or i would rather say that i am still an experimental mice and how good i can be is still to be known.

Your post is thought-provoking, hope to read more of it!! Congratulation on your graduation!!!:D
Unknown said…
Dear Linda,
Thank you for visiting my blog. It was so kind of you to visit. I am definitely waiting to get my hand on your book.
Thank you again.
Unknown said…
Dear Rekha,
Thank you for wonderful word.
Sometimes I feel job is all about balancing your need and professionalism.
Since you are like what I was five years back, it will be kind of hard to understand what really is happening. By the time you realize what was happening, you might have already grouped yourself in either of the two groups (chamchas or straight forward).
It is sad that people are grouping themselves (chamcha and non-chamcha group) slowly within small office that they are working with, but people can't help. That is how every thing functions.
It is thus, high time for us to work hard and make ourselves recognized by everybody without loo-"ing" bosses. We have an opportunity to make Bhutan unique and wonderful place to work.
Good luck in your office.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Much appreciated.
letro said…
Congratulations for your completion of Masters Programme abroad, sir.
Coming to the content of your post, its an insight for me about how I should proceed ahead when i am to work in an office ( though very far ) with someone observing me and my acts. Indeed I should also possess the habit of observing others, be it boss or a labour.
Nice read La.
Unknown said…
Dear Leo,
Thank you for going through my article.
@ article, it would depend entirely on how one perceives. My only advice as an elder is, follow your heart and work hard. Be sincere and true to yourself.

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