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Showing posts from September, 2013


I have not been a good blogger since I started blogging. I tried to wiggle around many topics and here I am again. This time I am trying to take my passion for plants forward. I will constantly try to post flowering plants along with their name. 1. Scientific Name: Vaccinum nummularia Clarke.   Family: Ericaceae Epiphytic shrub, young shoots pubescent and leave obovate. Corolla barrel-shaped and constricted towards apex.Generally seen growing on wet rocks and trees in evergreen Oak and Hemlock/Rhododendron forests. Recorded from 2440 - 3200 mtrs above sea level. This plant was photographed in 3000 mtrs of elevation (above Dhur) while I was hiking towards Tleygang to collect Rhododendron samples. 2. Scientific Name: Ligularia atkinsonii Clarke Family: Compositae Erect perennial herb. Plants are 47-90 cm tall. Basal leaves reniform to triangular. Leaves on stem are 2-3 and much reduced. Capitula yellow. Generally seen growing in marshy area from 2300-4400 mtrs a...